The Universal Law of Concession

According to the law of giving, if you are willing to receive good things, you will receive them. But you must believe that you can really receive them. When you say yes to something or confirm it, you attract more of that something into your life because that is what you focused on. When you say no to something, you attract more of that something into your life because that’s what you focus on! Try to be more consciously selective about what you choose to focus your attention on, instead of resisting something you don’t want or agree with, alternate your ideas with what you do want. Allow what you want to enter your life, plastering your path through life. Say YES to abundance, say YES to good relationships, say YES to work you love, etc. Your only job is to identify what you want, feel like you have it, and then allow it to flow into your life!

Your emotions are perpetually your template. Whenever you are in a place of feeling good, you are in a place of allowing. Nothing is more important than feeling nice! Most people don’t know this, but 99.9999999% of your creation is already complete before you see any evidence of it. When you trust with faith, it is happening. When you trust with hope, it goes slower. When you trust with doubt, it is so slow that you better forget it!

When you want something and you don’t trust it, it’s as good as not coming! When you want something and you have hope, it is coming, but you have to be patient. When you want something and you know it will come, patience is not an element because it comes quickly enough that the evidence appears everywhere. So your optimism is easy to experience when you see evidence.

Just remember, whatever you are focused on is what you attract the most, also remember to have real confidence that this works and that your desires, every one of them, will come to you very soon. Once I do, I know you will never go back because you will see this work, you will be amazed, satisfied and happy. Then, and only then, will you truly realize that you can desire whatever you want, and truly receive it!

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