Tips on ways to get your cabinet hardware spotless

Have you noticed that your hand sticks to the kitchen knob when you grab it? When your hands touch a knob, a lot of bacteria, grime, and dirt travel to your hand, even if the knob isn’t sticky.

From time to time, it’s a good idea to give your kitchen knobs a deep clean, as well as any cabinet hardware. There are several things to keep in mind when doing so. Take a look at these tips below.

Along with your spring cleaning, you can start removing the cabinet knobs and preparing them for washing.

Put a small mark on each knob to make sure they go back to their correct spaces. It’s best to know where everything goes because different cabinet knobs will eventually create their own perfect fit on the cabinets they’re attached to. Write down the number of the knob, then use a marker and identify where the knob attaches to the cabinet. Don’t forget to mark your cabinet knobs so you know which knob goes where when you put them back on the cabinet.

Now, you need to clean the knobs before putting them back on. To clean the knobs, you should use an antibacterial wipe or a mixture of warm soapy water. Be sure to clean all parts of the knob, including the front, the back, and any part that will stick to the cabinet. This is the only time you’ll be able to get them 100 percent clean, so do a thorough, detailed job.

You probably also need to pay close attention to where the knobs are placed on the cabinets. Don’t forget these overlooked spots, as there can be years of accumulated dirt and grime hiding between cabinet knobs and doors. Thoroughly cleaning this area is a good idea because of the number of germs that form and breed there.

After cleaning, both parts should be allowed to dry before being reattached. Screw the kitchen knobs back on exactly the same way you removed them. Now you can relax and enjoy the clean and safe kitchen knobs you have provided for your family.

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