Web Design Best Practices for Ecommerce Sites

You may have come across various web design tips and practices that are general in nature or you may have come across some of the best eCommerce tips and practices that are programming-oriented. But there is very little material on specific web design tips and best practices for eCommerce website. Does Good Web Design Have Anything To Do With Ecommerce Website? Yes, in fact, this answer is quite common as a good design is needed for almost every website, so that the users stay on the site or visit it again. However, there are several precautions and practices to be adopted when choosing a ready-made template design or a new custom design for your e-commerce website. As we continue with this discussion, you will well understand the need for a good design for the e-commerce site, when I refer to a good design I do not only mean that it is visually appealing, but also that it has features to attract users. to the website and make visitors prefer your site over others. site (s.

The best way to make you understand the need for good web design for an eCommerce site is to guide you through the basic and basic steps that must be followed to develop a successful eCommerce website and in each step I will explain the importance of the design. . The steps of the skeleton will be like this.

The Initial Step – Find out the purpose

In this step, one should start to determine what one wants as this helps to find out the target audience, whether B2c, B2b e-commerce applications or online auctions, community buying and selling or any other type of shopping application is needed and sale.

Careful study and analysis will help you determine what the latest trends and technologies are in developing such applications, however the main focus in this step is to find what you want the website to do. The following questions will help you understand what is needed.

o Who is it addressed to?

o What does the site offer to the target audience?

o Who are your competitors and how is the market structured in the specific industry?

Second step: decide on the appearance of the website

The answers derived from the questions formulated in the previous step will help you with what you need. You may have arrived at what you want and who you are targeting, now look for similar sites that already exist on the Internet. Try to understand why they are successful and how they chose the images, graphics and colors. At this stage, you may have decided on the colors and type of images you need. I found many sites flooded with images with little relevance to the products. It is very important to choose few images that have a greater meaning. Review your color choice to see if it matches your target audience, always choose light, clean-looking colors that will soothe visitors’ eyes. And now about the logo, the logo represents the idea of ​​what you are trying to sell and what your identity is. Pass all these ideas to the designer who will design the actual design template. Ecommerce web design is a specific service area of ​​web design jargon. Choosing a specialist will help you convey your ideas easily.

Third step: creation of web pages and choice of underlining technology

In this step, you need to decide on the technology to implement the e-commerce solutions. To begin with, the website design must be up to par with the latest standards and practices to ensure quality, as part of this it is preferable to develop the website in pure “CSS” using “div tags” rather than using tables standard html as make web pages heavy. The use of images should be elegant and justifiable to ensure fast loading of the website. Make sure the html and CSS code is W3C validated. This will ensure that web pages appear consistent across all web browsers without any issues. However, if you encounter any cross-browser issues, you can write CSS separately for each of those browsers to ensure consistency.

Most of the users visit the websites but leave the site due to the unhelpful structure of the website. No matter how attractive you have designed the website, if it is not easy to use, it will not retain visitors for long. It is very important to present the required information with a minimum number of clicks. Proper choice of categories and display position of product categories is very important.

Now the decision on software technology, the good thing about developing ecommerce applications is that you have many open source ecommerce software available that are optimized and can be customized to your needs. The choice of programming language depends on your existing resources and also on your budget for the application. Innovative ideas for presenting product information will help attract visitors who are trying to understand the products.

Fourth step: effective project management and quality assurance.

You, as the Product Owner, must manage your project procedures to ensure that the project does not exceed its budgets. You need to be innovative in presenting your website and you need to look at every detail of every aspect of the website. The app needs to be tested over and over again to ensure there are no bugs and app functions as desired. Graphics similar to those on the website should be used for marketing newsletters or order status emails to customers.

Fifth step – Live at last

Now finally after completing the website check that it has all the functionality of what is expected or document it at an earlier stage of the project, once it is done the app is ready for release. It is suggested to make a Beta version of the application; you can mark the site as a beta version by placing a beta version below the logo so that it appears on all pages of the website. This will help preserve customer trust even if the app doesn’t work as expected. After enough live testing and client activity, you can make a final version.

Here ends the story of the successful e-commerce website, what follows after this is adulation for the story and the writer of the story that would be you in the form of wealth.

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