What are you working for?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Are you working to have enough to pay the bills, maybe you have a little left over? Keep your head just above the water? Many of us are.

Are you working just to get ahead, while enriching the already abundant lives of the few at the top? Almost all of us are.

Do you think you deserve better, more, so that you can enjoy all the fruits of capitalism, and not just the leftovers?


I want you to try something. Give some thought to what you really want in life. Dream a little, if you want. Think big, not just enough to pay the bills, and live in relative comfort. How about enough to spend 20, 30, or 40 years in comfortable retirement?

Too many retirees are forced to go back to work just to get by. This seems to me like adding insult to injury. They’ve already worked their whole lives, followed the rules, and expected to have a little time off for good behavior at the end.

How about enough for a nice vacation home on the beach or in the mountains? If you have kids, enough to pay for college without taking out loans or going completely broke might be a good start, if not as big as it could get.

Whether it’s a dollar amount or an item like the vacation home, be as specific as possible. Now, write down the amount in big, nice type, or find a picture of the exact type of house, or whatever you want.

Put that piece of paper, tape or tack it, in a place where you will see it every day, preferably several times a day. On your desk, or on your computer monitor would be a good place, or perhaps on your refrigerator at home. Just put it in a place where you look often during the day.

Now ask your subconscious mind to figure out a way to get what you want. This is where most people get lost. After asking your subconscious mind, trust that it will find the answer and let it work. Just be patient, he will come back with the plan for you.

The subconscious isn’t just for memory storage, it’s also where all your new and untrained ideas come from. When you have a problem and really have no idea what to do, you will often find that if you step away for a moment, bang, the solution comes to you. It seems to come out of nowhere. This is your subconscious at work.

The image or printed dollar amount will help your subconscious focus. It’s not enough alone, you have to ask your subconscious mind to help you. He doesn’t know what you want until you tell him. So you literally have to ask. However, having something to focus on is a huge help.

Imagine, or imagine that you already have what you are asking for. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t have it. The land is very generous, if you have ever planted a garden you know it. You just have to help out sometimes by planting the seeds and giving some water when needed.

Now this is the hard part, if you ask and trust that it will work for you, it will work for you. Your subconscious will come back with an answer, without fail. Then your conscious mind takes over. You have to do what it tells you to do.

From here the three Ps go to work. Planning, Positive Attitude and Persistence.

Try this visualization exercise, give it a couple of months. Look what happens. It’s not like I’m taking any risks by giving it a try.

Believe in yourself and your own abilities, it is the first step to achieve something worth having.

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