What is life like on the other side of the rainbow bridge for our deceased pets?

Have you ever wondered what life is like for your beloved deceased pet(s) on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge?

Many of you have heard of the Native American legend that when you die you go to the rainbow bridge and all the animals you’ve had a relationship with will be on the other side and decide whether or not to let you in.

The Native Americans revered animals and whenever they killed one, they always did a prayer ceremony and used every part of the animal to survive. Nothing was wasted and they often took the name or felt the animal was part of them.
In today’s world, we love our animals for their sweet personalities and dedication. When one of our pets dies, a part of us goes with it. Although we may not see or experience life in spirit, as long as we have an animal in spirit, we are connected to the rainbow life in spirit.

Everything I talk about I have personally experienced. So sometimes I give names to things that may not be what others call them, but again they come from what I have seen or experienced. I learned several decades ago how to do astral projection and frequently go into spirit. I will visit and see my human and animal loved ones and visit the loved ones of my clients.

Everything I present here comes from my own experiences communicating with deceased pets, including my own, and from my travels to the spirit world.
Animals and our human loved ones reside in a space where they can interact with each other and, at the same time, can observe and visit us.

The best way to describe the other side “Heaven” or “across the Rainbow Bridge” is to imagine it as a world without life or death.

All animals live in peace and harmony with each other. It is like the statement in the Bible about the lamb that lies down with the lion. There is no fighting as there is perfect peace. Your special guardian angels provide you with everything you need. They have their own special little places to be. They are not required to do anything except enjoy their spiritual life. The vibration in the spirit world is so intense that you see objects vibrating with colors beyond our dimension.

Your pet is there having a great time and young and healthy once again.

They visit you frequently and their love for you will never die. They know you love them and they see you cry and cry for them. When they really want you to see what a wonderful place they are in. If you could see it through his eyes, you would cry with joy. Talk to your pet and ask him to show you where he is. You may see this in a dream, but trust that the spirit world allows you to see the beauty of life over the rainbow bridge.

While it may seem far away, it actually appears to be here, simply vibrating at a different frequency.

Many people have lived the experience of being in this other world when they die and can return. There are countless experiences that have been documented through medical and other means.

Throughout my life my closest relationships have been with animals. I was always able to communicate with them and they with me. As my spiritual gifts developed, I found that I could communicate with the deceased. I first began to professionally communicate with deceased human loved ones. Then I started communicating with deceased pets and found that it came more naturally and easier for me.

One of the first channelings I did for someone was for their rabbit who had passed away. I was amazed at how much the bunny communicated and how happy it made his human parent to know that they were well cared for in the spirit world.

Over the next several months, I would connect with animals that had died. I discovered that living animals can also communicate telepathically.
Animals that have passed can interact with our other animals that have passed, as well as with our human loved ones in spirit. It doesn’t matter if they never meet in person.

Three years ago my beloved cat Isis passed away and I went with her to the spirit and we stood at the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge. On the other side I could see my father carrying my dog ​​Julia that he had loved so much. Isis had never met my father, but when she saw him she ran to him across the bridge and jumped into her other arm. The three of them stood on the other side of the bridge looking at me as if to say we’ll be here when your time comes.

The animals that remain with us physically can see and interact with those that have passed away, however they will continue to grieve the loss of physical presence even though they can connect with the spirit of the animals that are gone.

A dear friend of mine had a cat die and she wanted to know if her other cats still saw it. I asked her cat Roscoe if he missed the other cat Frankie. Roscoe replied, “No, because I still see him and talk to him.”

Some of the most frequently asked questions I get are the following:

Can my animals, who are still here, see my animals that have passed?
The answer is yes

Can my animal come back to me through reincarnation and spend another life with me?
Usually the answer is no, it seems our loved ones from the past want to stay in spirit until we can join them. This allows everything to complete so that all parties involved can close the process. Animals are the pure essence of love and have no karmic debt to pay. They don’t usually come back and if they do we may not connect with them. Many people will say that they are sure that their current pet is the reincarnation of the previous one. Usually it is the deceased pet telling the new pet what it remembers and what we, its parents, like and know.

However, many times our past animals will influence the behavior of our new animals or the ones they left behind and we may pick up little bits of their personality. In other words, it is possible for a new animal to channel the behaviors of an animal that has passed.

I am often asked if the animals that have passed will be jealous of any new animal that is brought into the house.
Not at all. What I hear is that your deceased animals are happy when you are happy, and they don’t want to deny another animal the joy of living with you. This is especially true with animals that were adopted from shelters and rescued from bad situations.

Animals that have passed are able to see, hear and feel anything we pass through.

I am frequently asked “Does my animal still hurt?” and since they leave the physical body behind, the spirit is free from pain. However, they may experience emotional pain when they see our unhappiness at their passing. The more at peace we are with their passing, the easier it will be for them to be around us in spirit.

Many people I talk to feel responsible for the death of their pet. This is not true. If you’ve taken your pet to the vet for health issues and the vet tells you the pet needs surgery or some other treatment, you’re making the right choice right now. If your pet dies during the procedure, she will not be angry or blame you because she acted in good faith and was doing what she thought was right to prolong her life. The really important thing is what was the intention.

Sometimes people ask me if moving out of the house the animal was familiar with will cause them to stay in the old house or will they get lost trying to find their new home.

Once an animal passes by, it is as mobile as it wants to be and can cover great distances with little or no effort. Connecting with you in your new home is not a challenge for them. They will not be left behind in their old home.

Euthanasia is often difficult for the parents of a pet. No one wants to lose someone they love, but if your pet is hurting, the right thing to do is let them into the spirit. Don’t feel guilty if you have to put your animal to sleep. You have allowed them to be free again! They are themselves young and healthy in spirit and will thank you for sending them free. Don’t feel guilty.

Life on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge is beautiful and heavenly. It’s a piece of heaven/spirit and there’s no way your pet can’t be happy in this beautiful setting. Remember that they will be there to greet you when you pass by. They will never forget you because you were the love of their life.

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