What is the Best Electric Toothbrush For Braces?

Best Electric Toothbrush For Braces

Depending on the type of braces you have, it may be a good idea to switch from a manual toothbrush to an electric one. These can be more effective at removing plaque and food debris from hard-to-reach areas. However, you’ll need to use a special brush head and follow proper brushing techniques when using an electric toothbrush with braces. The best ones for braces have soft bristles that won’t scratch your gums or enamel, as well as small and rounded brush heads that can get into narrow spaces. These brushes are also easier to maneuver around retaining brackets and wires.

Choosing the right best electric toothbrush for braces can make your orthodontic treatment go by more smoothly and ensure a cleaner, healthier smile after your braces are removed. But with so many options on the market, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you.

Electric toothbrushes have a variety of benefits over manual ones, including the ability to cover more ground in less time and the ability to help remove stubborn food particles. In addition, most have timers to encourage thorough brushing. But can these devices be used safely with braces? We consulted dentists and electric toothbrush users to find out.

What is the Best Electric Toothbrush For Braces?

According to our experts, the most important factor is to choose a brush with a small and snug brush head. This will make it easier to maneuver around braces, especially if you have round or square brackets. A brush head that is a half-inch wide and an inch tall should be small enough to fit in the narrow spaces between your teeth and braces, as well as in the corners of your mouth. It’s also a good idea to look for a toothbrush that has a built-in pressure sensor, which will alert you if you’re applying too much force.

The Philips Sonicare 4100 is a popular choice among dentists and electric toothbrush users with braces. It’s a basic model with all the essentials, including a timer and a built-in pressure sensor. It’s not as fancy as a high-end brush, but it still does a great job of cleaning and has the added bonus of a replaceable brush head that lasts for up to two years.

Another option is the Oral-B Triple Bristle GO, which has an extra-small brush head that’s ideal for braces. It has bristles on three sides of the brush head, which means it can reach more surfaces with less maneuvering—although you should still be sure to brush for at least two minutes!

For a more advanced smart electric toothbrush that can connect to an app and track your brushing habits, check out the HUM by Colgate. It’s not as expensive as a top-rated smart toothbrush, but it has some features that can be useful for people with braces, including a timer and a notification when it’s time to change the brush head. It also has a low battery indicator and can charge in about four hours.

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