Category: Sports

football weekend

There were a plethora of exciting NFL games over the weekend. We had the classic Brady vs. Manning matchup that lived up to the hype, big hits with the Eagles and Giants meeting, and Brett Favre playing in his last significant game against his old Packers team. As great...

How to find time to exercise in your busy life

“I know exercise is good for me, but I don’t have time!” I hear this excuse from patients all the time and let me tell you, it’s easier than you think. You don’t necessarily have to join a gym or take yoga or dance classes (although these are all...

What determines our behavior: genes or environment?

Life is like a card game. The hand you are dealt represents determinism; the way you play is free will. – Jawaharlal Nehru, to form Prime Minister of India. Much has been written and debated about what determines the behavior of a person, genes or the environment? Are our...

Boise State Football Helmet – A History

No soccer team has captured America’s attention in recent years quite like the Boise State Broncos. A school that was just a high school until 1967, shocked the world when it defeated the University of Oklahoma in a 43-42 overtime victory in the 2007 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. The game...

US Residents Beware of Dangerous Offshore Products and Banking

From the beginning, this is my territory. I know the legalities and practicalities of the offshore world better than all but maybe 500 experts in the world. If you don’t know any of these people (and none of them are on the internet trying to sell you something), listen...

Why does racism continue?

Racism has been around forever, it seems. It is an issue within the halls of Congress. People always say it’s not racist, but racism doesn’t go away. Why does racism continue when so many people claim to be in favor of equal rights for all? Colin Kaepernick tried to...

Oregon Board Game Review

Game Overview Oregon is a western based themed game. We are back in the year 1846 when entire families left their home countries and headed west in search of a new start. Despite its western theme, you won’t find violence at all in Oregon. No shooting, no cowboys, and...

Gab Session – NFL Drafters Should Believe Their Eyes

The NFL Draft is an incredible combination of hype and groupthink. You listen to seven “experts” repeat the same thing over and over again, you start to believe that it is your own opinion. Often “experts” repeating the same talking points received their opinion from someone else. Who probably...

Miami Dolphins 2009 Fantasy Football Preview

The Miami Dolphins came out of nowhere in 2009 to win the AFC East before losing to the Baltimore Ravens in the first round of the playoffs. The two main factors for the dramatic turnaround rest on the acquisition of quarterback Chad Pennington, who was released by the NY...

10 tips on how to successfully seduce your husband

Let’s face it, learning how to seduce your husband seems like a strange thing, right? Well not really. The problem is that unless you stand there stark naked yelling “take me to bed you big stud” he just won’t get the message. This isn’t necessarily the guy’s fault, some...