Category: Technology

9 tips for speed networks

Have you ever been to a speed dating event? If so, you understand the concept of speed networks. In a speed dating event you can meet a lot of people in a very short space of time and the idea is that first impressions count, if you get along...

Blog Tip: Search Engine Optimization With WordPress

Search Engine Optimization Now, the most important steps when starting a blog are obviously promoting it, while some might argue that they don’t need a reader because they wrote their posts for fun as a hobby, this might be true, but if you’re writing and want feedback from others,...

Dubai Careers and Job Opportunities in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) is one of the top overseas employment destinations for people from all over the world due to the high-paying jobs that manifest themselves in the cities’ excellent economy. Therefore, many believe that getting a job in the United Arab Emirates would actually settle them...

10 best ways to stop drinking alcohol

The decision to stop drinking alcohol can be life-saving for people who feel they are becoming addicted to alcohol. However, recovering from alcohol abuse, maintaining sobriety, and managing cravings for alcohol is a difficult struggle. There are many ways to achieve sobriety. For a person wondering how they can...

Tips for finding the best houses for sale

Are you about to buy a new house in the city? It can be an exciting episode if you plan to change neighborhoods or move to a new city. Townhouses are shaping up to be a favorable option for most property buyers interested in moving to the cities. Traditional...

An extraordinary experience that eased the burden of grief

For over 25 years I have been studying the effects of Extraordinary Experiences (EE) on bereaved. These events are spontaneous, not summoned, and those who experience them are convinced that they come from an outside source: their deceased loved one or a Supreme Being. There are numerous positive effects...

Market figures up to 2017: not as impressive as you think

No one would deny that 2017 was a banner year for the markets… by the end of the year, all stock indices were near their all-time highs. Even the WSMSI (Working Capital Model Selected Revenue Index) had a capital growth number close to 12%. But, let’s ignore the promotional...

A wise nation nurtures human potentials

A wise nation nurtures potentials and adds potentials for a greater contribution to nation building. Honest dealings motivate the spirit to act. When the individual is motivated, the spirit of performance will lead to a greater contribution. A nation that ignores this concept will practice nepotism, the red carpet,...

The main characteristics of the Chinese series

various stories There are many features of the Chinese series that make it unique in content. The first feature that makes a Chinese drama different from other series like Korean series is that they offer a wide range of genres. The content of the Chinese drama is not monotonous...