Circular strength training: a complete system of exercises

Circular Strength Training (CST) combines modern science with ancient training methods to create a system that fits people at their current level of strength. Scott Sonnon created CST to develop a health first exercise system that trains people to be movement specialists. CST covers three main areas: joint health and mobility, compensatory yoga sequences, and resistance training with Clubbells. The best thing about CST is that it is scalable to the ability and training level of the individual.

CST is a health first training system that uses incremental progression. The individual’s ability and strength sets the pace, and as they regain mobility and build strength, the challenge of the program increases. This increasing sophistication allows the CST challenge to evolve with the individual, which prevents the program from becoming boring as it continually pushes the limits of the individual.

The first area of ​​the system is joint mobility which is addressed by combining specific exercises into movement sequences. This provides the necessary nutrition for the joints, which speeds up recovery. Search for Intu-Flow on YouTube to see demonstrations of the exercises. The second area is Prasara Yoga, which compensates for the individual’s training or just the stress of daily life. The third area is progressive resistance that is done using the Clubbell. Scott Sonnon took the oldest fitness tool, the club, and training methods from ancient Russia, Persia, and India to develop swing patterns performed with the Clubbell. The swinging pair of the Clubbell strengthens both the muscle and connective tissue of the associated joints. These three areas create the system, but the individual’s goals are established through the use of a unique Hierarchical Training Pyramid created by Scott Sonnon.

The Training Hierarchy Pyramid (THP) on which CST is based develops stages to address the individual’s current state compared to their target state. Think of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but for training. The four stages or levels, starting from the bottom of the pyramid are General Preparation, Specific Physical Preparation, Preparation for Specific Activities, and at the top is Mental and Emotional Preparation. These four levels allow the individual to develop a path to achieve her goals. The first level creates work capacity and strengthens mobility deficits. The second level creates movement sophistication and increases range of motion. The third level focuses on the specific activity transforming training into practice. It also changes from the volume of exercises to the quality or sophistication of the exercises. The final level develops mental toughness. Working through the THP improves a person’s acquisition of skills, allows them to break personal records or simply recover their health.

THP provides the framework for training, but CST’s hierarchy of fitness values ​​provides the five priorities. From first to last, the priorities are Health, Mobility, Function, Attributes and Physique. CST places health as the top priority and you can see that physics comes last. As the individual works through the system, physics is almost a byproduct. The health priority is exemplified in the four-day pattern of the workouts, which revolve around a rest day, a recovery day, a moderate intensity day, and a high intensity day.

CST provides a system to cover all aspects of a person’s health, fitness and sports performance. The most important thing for me is that you don’t get bored with the show as it has so much variety.

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