Horse Racing: The Secret Need To Keep Simple Records In Racing

The secret to the need for simple record keeping is that just as the track keeps a record of all transactions, the player needs to keep a record of their own. Not if it is, and it is or but it is about that. If he has played horses for 5-20 years or more, but never kept any simple and accurate records, then how do you know how well or not he has done at the game? Do you know all the types of bets he has played in an exact period of 5 years? Do you know the total sum of all the money you have invested in the price of tickets in those 5 years?

Do you know the different tracks you’ve played? Do you know the dates you played? The big question is: do you know if you had a profit or a loss during those 5 years? Now you see how important it is to keep a simple record. By keeping track, you can also indirectly determine how good or bad your win and handicap limit is by the number of races won versus races lost and how much money (win) was won or lost. Say where it was won or lost, what track(s), what type(s) of bet it was and many other things.

Some of the basic things to be on record are: date, track, bet types, ticket price, race won or lost, payout amount, etc. The player can put anything he thinks is relevant along with the previously written ones. A good record is a simple one. Over a period of 1-10 years, you will be amazed at this attention and focus on the game. Most players know this because the track does. But they don’t do it for themselves, they really should. Tracking is one of the most powerful ways to test a win and draw limit system.

There are two ways to do this. (1) Playing races with your own hard-earned money and (2) Trying 100 to 1,000 races on paper and/or computer programs without using money. Record keeping is part of capping and capping tells you what you really need to know about money and how to make money in the game. If the player wants answers, the answers exist. This is for all levels of players, from beginners to the most advanced – keep simple records of all your plays and transactions. This is part of the secret of the need to keep records.

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