Psychic Love Connections: How To Tell If You Are Spiritually Connected With Someone You Love

Are psychic connections real? What kind of bond is built between two people who are in love? Can one person feel the pain of another from a distance? And if it’s true … what does that tell us about the nature of life, love, and everything else we experience on a daily basis?

The truth is, at least from our perspective … psychic love connections, for lack of a better word, are an amazing way of showing that there is an inexplicable “quantum” connection between people, places, and things that simply cannot be. explained by skeptics, cynics and even by modern mainstream science. (although that may be changing)

For example?

While not romantic, the connection between twins is something that has been studied for years. No matter how many times science tells us that there is no real connection between them, you only need to see two twins in action to realize that there is indeed some kind of link between them that defies physical reality.

(especially in twins who do not even know they have one, but feel, feel and often imitate the life of their other half, in cases of adoption, etc., very surprising and difficult to explain as a fluke)

What about parents who feel psychically connected to their children? (and you often know when things go wrong … or when it hurts … even thousands of miles away) If you are a mother, you KNOW that there is some kind of energy that binds you to your children … and some kind psychic radar that picks up all kinds of signals that are often 100% correct. (even if you do NOT have any other psychic abilities)

Or lovers who feel an incredible connection that sometimes transcends the physical … as in the very common cases of when people are visited by their loved ones who cross or pass … apparently something that happens to MORE than 50 % of all. married couples over 60 who lose a partner. (an experience that I also had, although I am much younger, and the person was not a romantic relationship, but something that changed my life forever as a result)

The truth is that there is something in the universe, in the structure of the cosmos, call it a consciousness connection or a karmic connection, that brings people together in a way that you know when you feel it, EVEN if others think you are crazy.

I think everyone reading this has a spiritual soulmate. Someone who came into this life to experience ALL that they are destined to achieve, together. That your life purpose and your reason for being are intimately intertwined with theirs. Your work? Simply to open your intuition to find them. Take advantage of that psychic radar above … and let it guide you in the direction to find that true passion, and together … (and finally) live the life you were destined for, and enjoy every minute of it to boot! !

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