The Kept Secret of Wealth Creation Part 1

It’s fascinating how the word wealth has a different meaning to different people. For many people, wealth represents greed and exploitation, while for very few people it is a power to create a meaningful and comfortable life. The interesting thing about people with a misconception of wealth is that this very wealth is what they pursued all their lives. Let us define the meaning of the word wealth. The word wealth simply means abundance. This world was created with an abundance of all the things that man will need forever. The key to building wealth is finding a way to connect with the bounty of all things that already exist.

A major obstacle to wealth creation is the scarcity mentality. The world is created with an abundant supply of all things, but unfortunately at some point, most people have come to believe that there is not enough to go around. And for some people their brake on enjoying wealth is that they don’t believe they are entitled to abundance and that having ‘excess’ is a bad thing. Life is abundant in every way. The belief that there is scarcity is what creates the experience of scarcity for so many people. The secret to building wealth is realizing that what you want is already available to you.

People are looking everywhere for the master key to creating wealth, but unfortunately they are looking in all the wrong places. The true resources are within you. The wealth that you can first see within yourself through your mind, you will never experience no matter what you do. Wealth is not something you get but something you connect with. Listen to me, right now everything you need is already available to you. Everything you will need and beyond is already around you. All that is required of you is to change your erroneous belief system about wealth and start creating wealth.

When you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, you begin to connect with the prosperity and possibilities that surround you all the time. The discovery of the fact that the real resources reside within him causes the external resources to begin to appear. William James, the eminent philosopher and psychologist, once observed that “The greatest discovery of our age has been that by changing the inner aspects of our thinking, we can change the outer aspects of our lives.” see you at the top

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