Category: Digital Marketing

5 Tools Everyone in the Virtual Assistant Job Industry Should Use

In the virtual assistant job industry, some tools will make the job go faster. The tools are useful for every task, whether collaborating with others, team members, or even clients. Essential devices to increase productivity and be more efficient. Knowing which tools to use for each need and how...

Daniel Dennett’s Critique of Religion

I feel like it might shed some light on how much and how far religious fanatics have gone and are literally controlling and disciplining if one is seen to stray from the official line. Due to the belief in miracle and making a miracle as the core ethos of...

How to connect plumbing fixtures that save you time and money

Using pex (cross-linked polyethylene) pipe and fittings when upgrading your home’s plumbing is much easier and cheaper than using copper pipe and fittings. You won’t have to solder or deal with the heat and fumes associated with this process. One of the most popular processes involving cross-linked polyethylene involving...

Should you promote a Facebook post or run a Facebook ad?

Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world, with more than two billion monthly users. To reach more leads and customers with your marketing messages, you can get pay-per-click (PPC) traffic at an affordable price from Facebook. This PPC advertising is much less expensive compared to...

Video content speaks louder than words

The content-heavy marketing tactic is losing its allure in digital marketing, as a result of which more and more businesses are responding by creating new ways to tell stories. Additionally, companies are changing their approach to digital marketing by becoming more visual, more casual, and a little more real....

Local Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search engine marketing needs a new local search engine optimization feature to get better results from Google, Yahoo and Bing. Search Marketing Optimization services have shifted priority with Google Places Local Search Optimization causing many websites that were previously on the first page to drop. This local marketing opportunity...

What is a backlink generator?

Getting backlinks to your website can take a long time. Link building is the most effective method to increase your company’s visibility on the Internet. A successful link building campaign will bring you more traffic and improve your search engine ranking. If you’re looking for quick results, consider using...

Earn money with Instagram easily

The more accounts you create, the easier it is for you to earn money. However, you usually need to create at least five Instagram accounts, and it’s better if you can create more. Instead, you need to run multiple Instagram accounts. There are those who want to acquire popular...