Category: Digital Marketing

The importance of Mead-Halls in Beowulf

Beowulf’s masterpiece gives us a wealth of symbols and themes to explore. Throughout the epic perception of major icons such as the two great mead halls of Heorot and the Hall of Hygelac and the treasure are important parts of Beowulf. A deeper look at these material possessions and...

History of handwriting analysis and the research behind graphology

The scientific study of handwriting analysis has only been practiced for about 150 years, but people have been intrigued with the shape of their handwriting for as long as letters have existed. The ancient Roman book Lives of the Caesars, for example, discussed the links between handwriting analysis and...

Words have no meaning until you give them to them

You hear the word “alcoholism” and react emotionlessly when you say it’s a disease that can have sad side effects. Your friend reacts passionately whenever the subject is brought up. Share strong and definitive opinions when discussing pay inequalities for women. Your friend dispassionately accepts that he is unlucky....

Create the perfect ad headline

My experience begins with a degree in advertising, running my own advertising agency, followed by 25 years as an advertising consultant for the Yellow Pages. During those 35 years, I think I learned one or two or three things about what makes an ad campaign successful. I even wrote...

A guide to help you with your lead generation through SEO tricks

If you want to put together an effective marketing plan, you have to consider many elements. However, two of the most important tactics include SEO and lead generation. Basically, lead generation is a process that can help you develop a list of prospects (customers). SEO is a practice that...

Rugby balls: developed with technology

The game of rugby is widely played throughout the world. Every day, we come across cases where players are fully equipped, honing their skills to fulfill their dreams and become their heroes. The rugby ball is the most important part of this game. It is the ball that players...