Category: Health Fitness

7 tips to lose weight FAST!

Almost everyone wants to find quick ways to lose weight. Diet pills don’t work and come with harmful side effects, and it seems like there’s a new weight loss book on the market every week. Worse yet, almost every weight loss book recommends different things! A lot of confusion...

5 Reasons Why I Love Running Hills

A few months ago I came across the Uphill fitness training program. When I first heard about it, I admitted that I was a bit skeptical. Is it really that effective? Can something this simple really help me get into the shape I want to be in? However, now...

What is HITT cardio training?

HITT or High Intensity Interval Training is an easy way to burn all those fat and calories in your body without pushing yourself too hard. This much higher and more intense cardio mode of interval training has become all the rage in the bodybuilding industry for its benefit of...

Does Herbalife protein powder build muscle?

I was recently asked a question about a specific product. The question was: Does Herbalife protein powder build muscle? I will answer this question so that you can know if this product can be good for you when it comes to building muscle. Protein is the main nutrient needed...

How to stop eating so much sweets

The caramel is made from a concentrated solution of sugar and water, then flavors and colors are added. Pretty unhealthy, right? These treats are high in sugars, refined sugar to be exact, which is the most unhealthy sugar there is. Addiction to sweets can also be related to addiction...

Pros and cons of incline trainers and incline treadmills

Incline trainers (also known as incline treadmills) are a relatively new exercise equipment innovation that combines the treadmill with the stepper. It is a treadmill in function but a stepper in type of training. Essentially it’s a treadmill that offers a very steep incline for intense simulated “hill climbing”...

How to lose belly fat for women over 35

Losing belly fat is a real challenge and age further increases the difficulty quotient. There are several reasons for this. The first is reduced physical activity due to decreased energy and bone strength needed to exercise. Second, after the age of 30, the body automatically begins to lose lean...

How Biltong is made

Biltong, a dried meat product originating in South Africa, is typically made in one of two main ways. When you buy biltong, you will be buying from a larger commercial retailer or a small street vendor. This choice has a lot to do with how your biltong is produced....

Does aerobic exercise cause muscle wasting?

This is a statement you often hear, especially among bodybuilders, but also some personal trainers. The most extreme version is that aerobics makes you fat, the reasoning being that it leads to muscle loss, which slows your metabolism and causes you to gain fat because you are now eating...

Strength Training – The Fountain of Youth

In the 16th century, the famous explorer Ponce de Leone set out to discover the fountain of youth. Intent on finding an elixir that could magically restore vitality and vigor, he sailed far and wide in search of his dream. But as we all know, the search for him...